With the Farm Shop & Deli Show 2024 fast approaching, we are exciting to announce the launch of a new initiative. In Birmingham next April, we are going to launch the first ever Farm Shop & Deli Review – a report that contains insight on the specialist retail sector.

The report, which will be available at the show, will include interviews with leading influencers from across the sector, as well detailing the findings of a business leaders survey, we are conducting right now.

This is where we need your help:

The survey we are currently conducting will enable us to understand and share the attitudes and perceptions from businesses working within the special retail sector towards the current and future trading conditions, consumer trends and challenges and opportunities on the horizon.

Please complete the short survey below to help us build a detailed picture of the industry’s view on the sector. The survey is very short and completely anonymous (we do not ask for any details that would enable us to identify you or your business).


Thanks for you for your support – the report will be available free of charge at the show next year.